村上春树的短篇小说《All God's Children Can Dance/神的孩子都在跳舞》,已由Scott Coffey改编为同名英语电影,导演是Robert Logevall,Jason Lew演Kengo(即书中的善也),而母亲则为陈冲。继【东尼瀧谷】之后,又一成功改编村上春树小说的电影。剧情描述Kengo一直相信自己是神的孩子,而上帝就是他的父亲。直到一天,Kengo偶然瞥见可能是生父...
Three young people arrive from different parts of the country to go to college in Sao Paulo. On their first day there, a strange and intense attraction unites them. Together, they rent an apartment an...
《Free To Play》是一部纪录长片。影片跟随三位不同国家的职业电竞选手,讲述他们在首届Dota 2国际邀请赛中为一百万美元的奖金奋力拼搏的故事。近几年来,电子竞技开始大幅流行,已经跻身于当今人口基数众多的竞技运动行列中。百万奖金的赛事改变了整个电竞圈的格局,而对于正值巅峰时期的顶尖选手来说,这样的机会也是千载难逢。经过Valve的精心打造,影片完整地记录了选手们在顶尖对决的过程中遇到的挑战...
A story of three avid Atletico Madrid fans and three groupies of Real Madrid: each of them enjoy a moment together during the week of the Champion"s League Final. The night of the match the coupl...