原名: Four Times That Night,Quante volte... quella notte 这个导演十分可恶,先极尽勾引诱惑之能事,逐步升级,把你搞得遐想连翩,简直都要控制不住了,然后兜头一盆冷水,一下浇灭了你的热情如火,让你不禁质疑起自己的性心理我真的如此丑陋?真的不能把别人当作有人格的人来尊重,而只把他们当成欲望的工具?我的欲望本身难道不是丑陋的吗? 他其实在抨击现代传媒方式...
An up-and-coming video gamer faces his greatest challenge yet as he and his team must overcome a fiery gaming superstar, as well as their own battling egos, to win the ultimate video game championship...
Pottan is going to a riding camp, but ends up at a recycling center where she is taken care of by the strange staff. One day Pottan finds out that the staff are building a space rocket....