Death By Audio, an underground venue, is forced to close in 2014. The film focuses on the struggles of maintaining a community in the face of Brooklyn property development, hostile construction worker...
Follows the early years of two unknown 18 year old amateur boxers who quickly fought their way to becoming the most feared and respected villains in all of London. Told through the eyes of ......
可儿(克里斯汀·斯图尔特 Kristen Stewart 饰)厌倦了日复一日的生活,周围一成不变的一切让她简直就快要发疯,于是,可儿做出了一个疯狂的决定,成为一名军人。就这样,穿上了迷彩服的可儿被分配到了专门关押恐怖分子的关塔那摩湾监狱,在那里,她遇见了名为阿里(佩曼·莫阿迪 Peyman Moaadi 饰)的穆斯林男子。...