Antonio is a 30 yo family man, whose life finds an unexpected twist when he's suddenly dumped by his husband, whom he depends both psychologically and economically: he needs to find a new place to sta...
Plus sized and 30 years old, LEXIE IVY is a feisty Bed and Breakfast owner who desperately needs a date to her sisters wedding. In small town Nova Scotia, thats no easy task, especially when the most ...
毒贩克里斯的妻子带走了三百万美元和他们的儿子逃跑,克里斯在打探妻子下落的过程中枪杀了一名知情者,这起凶杀案令追查了克里斯多年的警探金宝(阿诺·施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)终有机会将其收押,然而如令克里斯认罪伏法,金宝还必须找到他的妻子作为重要证人。警方掌握的线索及其有限,金宝和女同事只得来到某小镇,卧底装扮成老师来寻找就读于幼儿园的克里斯之子。因女同事急病,金宝只得独...
Mary Tobin has wonderful memories of family gatherings at the Christmas Lodge. When she arrives for a weekend vacation, she quickly realizes that the lodge that she loves has fallen into ......
杰夫(杰森·席格尔 Jason Segel 饰)是个整天无所事事的宅男,被母亲莎伦(苏珊·萨兰登 Susan Sarandon 饰)呼来喝去嫌他办事不力,他的哥哥帕特(艾德·赫尔姆斯 Ed Helms 饰)倒是事业不错还结婚了,但与妻子琳达(朱迪·格雷尔 Judy Gr eer 饰)也在闹婚姻危机。一日杰夫接到一个打错的电话,又在公交车上遇见个高中生,球衣背后名字恰好印着打电话人要找的那个名字,...