Marigaby Tamayo is an ambitious medical student who spends her nights saving lives throughout a sprawling, contrasted and fascinating Mexico City aboard her family's privately owned ambulance....
A young couple is lured into the clutches of a bloodthirsty 500-year-old vampire; the exotic stranger tries to persuade them to swap partners and join his kind....
影片故事延续前作,路奇乌斯(保罗·麦斯卡 Paul Mescal 饰)童年时亲眼目击受万人景仰的英雄马克西蒙斯死于舅舅之手,多年后已长大成人的他,在暴君的铁腕统治下,被迫进入竞技场为生存而战。心中充满怒火的卢修斯,眼见罗马帝国的未来岌岌可危,决心讨回本属于他的权力和荣誉,还 罗马人民一个辉煌的罗马。...