Adapted from Beth O’Leary’s bestselling novel, six-part series The Flatshare stars Jessica Brown Findlay (Tiffany) and Anthony Welsh (Leon), as two cash-strapped twenty somethings who share a bed, but...
Based on the internationally best-selling novel by Jonas Jonasson, the unlikely story of a 100-year-old man who decides it's not too late to start over. For most people it would be the adventure of a ...
1983年,盘桓在英国北约克郡上空的阴霾久久不曾散去。这一天,一名有着天使般面庞的小女孩失踪,这起事件让人们淡忘将近十年的噩梦再次苏醒。1974年,名叫克莱尔•坎普雷的小女孩失踪,最终遭到杀害。不久,有着病态般苍白面颊的麦克认罪伏法。一切似乎就此完结,而如今这起类似的案件发生,让人们意识到那起沉疴多年旧案的异常。一方面,律师约翰·皮格特(马克·艾迪 Mark Addy 饰)出任麦克的律师,准备提起...