Following a horrific accident, a woman voluntarily becomes a test subject to an artificial intelligence designed to rehabilitate her. In a world dependent on machines, she learns not all technological...
Follows Nikki Parker after she joins the LAPD's Missing Person's Unit to help other people find their loved ones at the same time that she is looking for her missing son....
为FBI工作了一辈子的沃特·韦德(汤姆·贝伦杰 Tom Berenger 饰)眼下突然面对死亡威胁,暗杀组织在网络中放出消息,用300万美元在今夜索他的性命。一生只是一个中层情报分析员的沃特如何会得到这种“关注”,令前来保护他的众多探员百思不得其解,但眼下的首要任务是保证沃特在今夜不出意外。沃特被安置在芝加哥的地下避难所,众多探员围绕保全。另一方面,高额悬赏也吸引了众多职业杀手的注意,从冷血的蛇蝎...