Follows Nina, a talented pianist who has lupus. She forges an unexpected yet strong connection with Gabriel, one of the doctors on the team who takes care of her and gives her to confidence to play wi...
一次偶然中,蓝妹妹(黛米·洛瓦托 Demi Lovato 配音)发现了一张遗落的地图,指引向一座神秘的村庄。为了求证村庄存在的真实性,蓝妹妹和好友聪聪(丹尼·普迪 Danny Pudi 配音)、健健(乔·曼根尼罗 Joe Manganiello 配音)、笨笨(杰克·麦克布瑞尔 Jack McBrayer 配音)一起踏上了旅途。...